Sunday, March 10, 2013

At Least It's Not Pickles... Yet

Because I hate pickles and if the tiny human makes me want and eat pickles, I'm going to be mad.  YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!

Today I was happy, thrilled, damn near ecstatic that Blasto wanted salad greens and cottage cheese to eat.  The little blueberry would previously only accept Cool Ranch Doritos and Starbursts.

Maybe I can encourage this kind of eating and not get all Fat Bastard indulging the little proto-human's every whim and desire.  Ha!  Who am I kidding?

Get in mah bellay!

I am pretty sure that everyone who knows me and doesn't know that I am With Child thinks I'm a lazy asshole these days.  All I do is eat and lay on the couch and avoid people.

My goal of being a Fit Active Pregnant Lady are on hold until the 2nd trimester.  In the meantime, I'm just gonna fat around and eat waffles... and Cool Ranch Doritos... at the same time.  Yeah.


  1. The first trimester is a bitch. Unfortunately, that little pre-human is the boss of you. At least for another year and a half. You'll eventually develop a Stockholm Syndrome relationship with it.

    They should totally make Doritos flavored waffles. Somebody get Egos and that guy from Taco Bell who got the Doritos taco made on the line!

  2. Cool Ranch Waffles. I have never been so simultaneously disgusted and turned-on.

  3. At least it's not steak and cotton candy.

    Man, if I'd had steak-flavoured cotton candy, I'd be a sumo wrestler...
